Using the wp_list_pluck() WordPress Function

The wp_list_pluck() WordPress function makes it easy to convert an array of items (objects or arrays) to an array of values. It will loop through all the items in the array and replace the item with a specific field value from the item.

Anatomy of a WordPress Project from a Pricing Standpoint

A common misconception with WordPress sites is that the number of pages makes a difference in the price of a project. It used to be, back when static web pages were the status quo, that each page was hand-coded in HTML. However, in the age of content management systems like WordPress, that is no longer… Read More

Conditional Breakpoints and Debugging Tricks for Chrome

Breakpoints are a great way to debug JavaScript in the browser. You can pause the code at an arbitrary point, inspect the variables, test functions in context and resume script execution whenever you are ready. Debugging in the browser allows you to cut down on switching between your code editor and the browser and can… Read More

View Submitted Form Data in Chrome

If you’ve ever needed to inspect the form data after submitting a form on a web page, you should take a look a closer look at the Network panel in Chrome developer tools. You can click on an HTTP request, which for a POST request is typically the first one in the list after a… Read More

Emulate Mobile and Tablet Devices in Chrome

Testing your web site or application in different browsers and on different mobile devices is important, and there is no substitute for the real thing. However, not everyone has an iPhone, Google Nexus, Blackberry and the latest Samsung phone lying around. So, being able to emulate a mobile or tablet device means you can test… Read More

Introduction to the Networks Tab in Chrome Developer Tools

The networks tab in the Chrome developer tools panel can provide rich insights.  It allows you to see what resources are being loaded, how many HTTP requests are being made, which scripts are blocking the page load, how long it takes for assets to load, how long it takes for the page to load, when… Read More

Kill a Browser Tab in Chrome

One of the nice things about using Chrome as my browser is that the browser tabs are isolated.  This means that if a web page crashes the browser, it really only crashes a single tab.  However, sometimes a web page becomes unresponsive and eats up resources without crashing the browser tab.  In such cases, you… Read More

Remote WordPress Media Loader

Let’s assume that you have a public website and would like to make a few changes to the code. So, in keeping with best practices, you setup a local development environment on your computer and copy down the code, database and files for the site. However, this particular site has lots of media and the… Read More

Display a Screenshot of Any Website in WordPress

If you’ve ever wanted to showcase one or more websites on your website, having a screenshot for each one provides a great visual. You can use this code snippet to create a shortcode that allows you to easily drop a screenshot on any WordPress page or post: View the code on Gist. What’s nice is… Read More